What No One Is Telling You

3 back-to-back trainings from Allie, RECORDINGS to DIVE IN, overcome obstacles + get unf*cked

You’ll have LIFETIME access to these recordings! Note there are no live sessions, this is a 3-day course you’ll gain instant access to!

You may have the question…
“Allie, I’ve taken your 5-day Get Unf*cked workshop already... is this still for me?”

My answer is…

Y E S.

I have up-leveled in my tools, teachings, and trainings massively even from just a few months ago.

In this workshop, you will be learn some NEVER-EVER BEFORE TAUGHT tools, hacks, and universal laws.

And if you were part of my last 5-day training like this QUEEN (peep her text!!) who aligned with $3,000 just 2 days after my last Unf*cked Intensive …

Just imagine the impact THIS round will have.

AND you may also be wondering…
“Allie, will the same things from this intensive also be taught in Unf*ck Yourself Academy (UYA) as well?”

This intensive is the PRE WORK to UYA! I 100% absolutely recommend the 3-day intensive to get the most out of UYA!

With everything I teach (even from services like my Intuitive AF workshop), if it has a different name … it’s different information 💗 Each program serves a specific purpose. While a combination makes us more well-rounded, they all allow space for different teachings with different goals!

Have you been feeling a pull toward a higher level of creation for yourself and your life… but you keep running into 1 (or both) of these 2 problems:

1. You feel like you can’t seem to get out of the same “problem loop” you’ve been stuck in for years. This may feel like things like: “I can’t seem to get rid of these health issues,” “I keep repeating the same money problems,” “I feel imposter syndrome when it comes to career and what I want to build,” or “I keep repeating the same relationship problems”


2. You may feel like you’ve made the money, you’ve had the career, or even you’ve had the great relationship.. but something just feels… off. There’s a deep lack of fulfillment and you almost feel guilty for it because from the outside and on paper your life seems like “everyone’s dream”

You know you’re meant to be doing and have more (or something different) and the typical journal manifestation sessions just aren’t cutting it, the plant medicine feels great when you go… but then a few weeks after you fall back into old emotional patterns and it isn’t cutting it anymore. What you’ve learned in the past isn’t cutting it, and the TikTok videos telling you to do all these different things and sleep with crystals under your pillow… and the sage you use on yourself everyday…

sure as f*ck isn’t cutting it.

That’s because there’s SO MUCH MORE at play happening and creating obstacles in our CREATOR FIELD. This is our EMF, or electromagnetic field.

There’s so many different components of our creator field, aura, universal source science laws that we need to know in order to REALLY intentionally create what soul actually desires, heal, and reprogram the subconscious.

Without starting there… you probably feel…

Stuck, frustrated + convinced certain things just aren’t meant for you or don’t work for you. OR the dreaded.. “this is just how it is for me” …sound familiar?

Which ABSOLUTELY is NOT true!

I know exactly how you feel.. I’ve been there.. Many times.

And I want to share what I’ve learned about how to use universal laws, intuition, and neuroscience to hack the system and actually start creating whatever reality it is that you feel a deep soul desire pull towards.

And I want you to do it WAY faster than I did.

We’re about to take what would take years, even decades.. maybe even lifetimes to learn and compact it into a 3 day intensive.

So here’s the situation:

You’ll have LIFETIME access to these recordings! Note there are no live sessions, this is a 3-day course you’ll gain instant access to!

DAY 1: Neuroscience + Universal Laws

How understanding ALL of the laws of the universe and how to ACTUALLY use NEUROSCIENCE to reprogram the brain is a KEY role in your ability to heal, create, and authentically thrive. Learn my favorite universal laws and how they work with me!

DAY 2: Self Image + Trauma Healing

Understand how your soul chose your trauma, and every single quality and attribute (both internally and externally) on purpose to help us create our most aligned soul-desired life. Learn the beginning steps on reprogramming the brain to finally connect with the full potential you actually ARE. While you start to gain an understanding of why your soul chose your trauma, you can heal it and use it to work in your favor.

DAY 3: Intuition + Creation

You hear manifestation (what I like to call creation) being taught EVERYWHERE nowadays - a BIG part that’s missing from all of this is the level of intuition training I take the students in my programs through. Learn how the people you think may be manifesting … aren’t actually manifesting! Learn how to use your intuition to MASSIVELY aid in your creation process in whatever it is you desire.

There’s certain “gunk” in our creator field that seriously needs to be addressed and cleared before we can actually step into new shifts.


When we step into those shifts, we want to be able to fully HOLD IT and maintain it.

Over these 3 days, we’re going to learn exactly how to peep behind the curtain and figure out EXACTLY what needs to get unf*cked in your creator field, how to clearly create NEW, and how to hold onto it once the shift has happened.

I break things down, make them easy to understand and digest, and take all the “woo woo” out of words like “manifesting,” “healing,” “universe,” and “spirituality”

I don’t use crystals, do random things like sleep with money under my pillow, or do any “rituals.”

Not hating on those things.. But they won’t work until YOU shift yourself. YOU are the one who holds the power. YOU are the one who gives power to things like a crystal.

So, I need to know if you can relate to this

You feel like you’ve tried everything.

You’re the hardest worker you know and you try to keep a “positive” attitude, but to be honest, you’re exhausted. You’re frustrated. And you’re confused. Wondering WHY TF you feel this invisible barrier that seems to be a massive obstacle in the way of where you are now and where it is you deeply desire to be and feel on a soul level (whatever that current desire is for you)

When I say.. I UNDERSTAND, that is not an understatement. I wanna share something that may help, with the goal of you grasping this WAY QUICKER than I did…

At the end of the day, all the annoying, hard, stuck, frustrating, limiting, and traumatic things that have gone on are all happening to help you get what you’ve asked for… the problem is... you haven’t been taught the language of the universe!

So of course you’re like, “Yeah right Allie, there’s NO WAY these things are happening FOR me

And trust me. I FUCKING GET IT. Of course you don’t think it’s happening for you, why would you?!! Why would you think that when you ask to align with more money you end up having even LESS money - is “the universe” working in your favor??!! And of course you wouldn’t think that - when asking for a brand that POPS OFF - you get met with EVEN more adversity than you did before you asked for a thriving brand … is “life happening for you”

LIKE HONESTLY ID WONDER IF U WERE OKAY if you didn’t get frustrated at those things happening after what seems to be an IMMEDIATE result from wanting something that you’re deeply desiring on a soul level.

It’s totally normal to question why you keep getting met with adversity after adversity and just feeling like there’s this INVISIBLE barrier always in the way of where you are now (in any area of life) and where you desire to be…

Totally normal, that is, until you’re taught and learn the energetic source science laws of the universe, the language of your higher self, who you are on a soul level, and the Source channeled way of how to actually create/manifest.

It’s not your fault you don’t know these things.

No one is teaching these and it sure AF isn’t taught in school. However, if you do want to break through that barrier that’s been the bane of your existence…

I have the hacks for you.

Learning these are ESSENTIAL in feeling like you’re working with the universe and your higher self vs feeling like there’s always something conspiring against you. You can use this Source channeled system as a step-by-step blueprint in your life to expedite, create, and enjoy whatever it is you’re most deeply desiring on a soul level right now.

Which is why in these 3 days (which is a prerequisite to my “Unfck Yourself Academy”) I’m not selling you on what worked for me or a man made program - I’m teaching you the universal LAWS and Source channeled ultimate truth… that apply and can work for anyone who’s, well, existing in the universe.

You’ll have LIFETIME access to these recordings! Note there are no live sessions, this is a 3-day course you’ll gain instant access to!

People who step into my world get results like this: 

(The best part is..I didn't even ask her to send me this! She just sent this to me completely authentically.)

& results like this:

Leena Kilpelainen

“I’ve tried so many different types of therapy for YEARS & YEARS. However, nothing really made a shift within me or my outer circumstances or anything.”

“Just working with Allie for just a few months, I am happier, I’ve never been better in life, I am excelling & the pain within me is now GONE.”

-Leena K.

Imagine the absolute power you’ll feel when you have a proven formula for creating + manifesting.

& before you say “yeah well you can do that.. but not me!”

Let’s hear from some other students have to say:

Mikaela Filar

Dani Romain

Mariafe Fortuna

If people are saying this about a free Tik Tok video… imagine what’s inside this 3-Day Intensive!

Amanda Petrillo - Allie Ninfo testimonial image

Amanda Petrillo

Age: 35
Occupation: Release Manager (IT Industry)

This course has been completely life changing for the better in multiple ways. I have to say that I was blown away by the depth and quality of the content, as well as the support and guidance provided by Allie as well as the community. I met genuine friends through this course who understand me and are my biggest cheerleaders.

Through the healing modules, I learned various techniques and practices for releasing old patterns and beliefs that were holding me back in life. The manifestation modules helped me to focus my energy and intentions towards my goals, and I've already started to see positive results in my life.

But perhaps the most transformative aspect of the UnFuck Yourself Academy was the intuition training. I never realized how much I was neglecting my inner wisdom and intuition, and now I feel much more in tune with myself and my surroundings.

Overall, I highly recommend to anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual practice, improve their well-being, and manifest their dreams into reality. Thank you Allie for creating such a life-changing program!

Gianna Tommasi

Jordan Stockwill

Kaisha Slaughter