Advanced Intuition Training Level 1

Your 6-week course on how to correctly + accurately use your own intuition to become your own authority, intuitive, and healer.

Important! Make sure you’ve taken the pre-requisite to this first… Intuitive AF: A 2-Hour Workshop Recording

Have you felt like you’ve had the same “problem” or “block” for a while? 

And you feel like you’re working so hard endlessly trying to tackle that problem / block and solve it but it’s still… there. So you just decide it’s just “how it is.” 

Or maybe you can sense something is off but you’ve just decided “thats just how it has to be for me” and you’ve never even thought about the fact you could live a 100x better daily quality of life.

When you're so used to feeling a certain way it just becomes your normal and you may think nothing of it.

This feeling could be single handedly the thing keeping you from the emotional and physical reality you desire..

But, because you're so used to feeling a certain way you're not even aware of how limiting it may be.. therefore it becomes your "blind spot"

A lot of people tell me that after working with me they get "the healing they didn't know they needed"

And that's because of intuition and channeling people's blind spots that they aren't able to communicate.. because they aren't aware it's there. 

Let me explain..

So many people come to me trying to heal all these "problems" and have all these questions.

But really there's usually only one root cause to all of those "problems"

Usually that root cause is what I call our "blind spot.”

A blind spot is something that's causing stuff we don't want in our life but we are blind to it.

We can't heal from something that we didn't know was holding us back from our emotional & physical desires in the first place.

We can only work with what we know.. if we are NOT using intuition that is.

When we have a blind spot, whatever that blind spot may be - is the thing controlling our life and creating feelings and things that we don't necessarily want.

And when we don't know the blind spot it makes it very difficult to know what to heal and how to shift.

We then spend our time and spin our wheels healing the effects of the blind spot.. but not the actual blind spot.

That's like pulling a weed out of the ground but not digging up the root. It's gone for a little.. but it will grow back.

Our blind spot is the weed that will keep growing back until we dig up the root of the blind spot.

That's why intuition is so cool. 

And that’s why I have created this program.

You have the divine ability to be able to intuitively channel your own blind spot.

Our blind spots are always the things that we can't see but intuition can.

And they're always the things keeping us from what we actually desire.

We can use intuition to channel our blind spot that we didn't even know needed to be healed, heal it, and then that domino effects and heals all the other "problems" that got manifested from the emotional blind spot.

Instead of spending your time and spinning your wheels trying to heal all these things..

Learn the language of intuition then use your intuition to channel the blind spot that's the root cause of feeling "off" or "blocked".

So you can move on with yourself, life, and creating the reality you desire with no limitations.

It's the best, most effective shortcut and universal hack there is.

And we all have the divine right to access it.

We were just never taught the tools as a child on how to access our intuition consciously, on purpose, and with the tools to get insanely specific and accurate answers down to a science.

However.. DO NOT WORRY.. I got you. 

Over the past 8 years I’ve dedicated my life to taking my natural born intuition (which we all have) and honing in and mastering how to use intuition to hack the system and become your own intuitive & healer. 

There’s a difference between being naturally gifted or intuitive and having things come to you by accident but not really knowing exactly how to pull the information or what questions to ask and LEARNING proven tools and processes on training your intuition in great detail to guarantee accurate and detailed answers every time. 

Think of intuition like basketball.. anyone has intuition and anyone can dribble a basketball and then there’s NBA pro players. 

To become an NBA player and guarantee your technique and talent is ON every game - it takes training, repetition, the right skills & tools, trail & error, a good coach, and lots of practice.

To become a pro “intuition player” is the same. Training, skills, tools, repetition, and a good coach.

I have spent years and countless hours learning to use intuition to heal myself emotionally & physically. 

Learning to use it how to unblock myself in order to create space for what I feel called to align with. 

And I want to bring you with me… because I’m not special.. anyone who chooses has the divine right to use their intuition. 


  • 6 week LIVE intensive program. Each week you will get a partner to practice an intuitive reading on and receive an intuitive reading from

  • Each week you will learn new readings, tools, and techniques to do and use to create massive healing, unblocking, and transformation in any and all areas of life.

  • Each week you will learn energy work to clear, protect, and shield your energy. Along with energy recoveries, cellular upgrades, and dark energy clearings.

  • Small group and limited spots (I do this so I can give everyone my full attention)

  • Q&A at the end of each session.

  • Ability to vote on days and times of the live program each week as a group. 

  • Instagram group with me and all your peers from class (these classes may build very strong soulmate best friend relationships) 

Pricing & Payment Plans

Important! Make sure you’ve taken the pre-requisite to this first… Intuitive AF: A 2-Hour Workshop Recording





$50 Interest



$50 Interest

“These are her results after one free 3 minute video on my IG feed. IMAGINE what 6 weeks inside a life small group container could do”


Q: do I have to want to do readings for other people as a career if I take this?

A: not at all! This is designed to get you learning how to read energy! You can use this to simply make your own life 100x better! If you desire to, you can also use this on clients and others but it’s not essential.

Q: if I’ve been through the intuition training in UYA.. is this the same? 

A: there will be some of the same tools given however I am constantly upleveling my teaching and knowledge around intuition, how I teach it, how I explain it, and intuitive practices. So it will also be quite different. Plus the love aspect of getting to practice in real time with me there to help correct your form!

Q: do you have to have crazy stories as a kid to know you have intuition? I’ve never had any “crazy” intuitive or spiritual experience happen to me!

A: we ALL have the divine right and ability to be connected to our intuition. You just need the right tools! 

Q: I’m scared to have people in class read me to practice.. I don’t want them judging!

A: for these small groups I always set the intent for students who are attracted to it to be unconditionally loving, nonjudgmental, empathetic, supportive, and understanding. I have always been free and clear of any students who bring any kind of judgement. We don’t attract that over here ;)