Self image mastery inside AND out 

What people are saying 

Can you relate?

 Constant self comparison?

Beating yourself up?

Thinking you have to be like someone else to get what you want?

Have a complex about your beauty?

Sometimes you feel hot AF and other times you wanna crawl into a hole and hide?

Not even sure what your own truth is because you’ve spent your life living someone else’s?

Hyperfixated on how others are perceiving you and what they’re thinking?

Even down to micro things like “did I just sneeze too weird?” And “Do they think I’m walking weird?” Constantly changing your personality so people like you? Constantly worried that your partner thinks everyone else is hotter than you? Wearing the same outfit over and over bc it’s the only one you “look good” in?

October 2021.. I’m hysterically crying on the bathroom floor of my brand new high rise Dallas luxury apartment with a 24/7 concierge and floor to ceiling windows. A beautiful apartment, a beautiful life and yet I’m having a complete meltdown on the floor, hyperventilating, could barely catch my breath I mean you’d think I just found out the most devastating news.. but.. I was.. in fact having a meltdown over not feeling “hot” enough and not feeling valuable enough.

Why bother trying when I decided everyone else was hotter than me and therefore I had no worth.

Why bother trying in my business when what I deemed as “everyone else already is making millions” when I didn’t feel like what I had to give was valuable (lol even writing this now I’m like wtf.. my work is insanely valuable how could I even think this?) Keep in mind this bathroom had floor to ceiling windows, had the best view in all of Dallas, an automatic toilet, a massive bathtub, and those really good lights around the mirrors that made your makeup flawless.. yet I was on the floor of it.. curled in a ball. Hyperventilating. Wondering what the fucking point of trying was.

The body dysmorphia was real. The inner self image dysmorphia was real.

My dream Dallas apartment with floor to ceiling windows with 360 views of the best views in Dallas.. 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms that was brand new and I lived in all by myself. People telling me constantly how much I was changing their lives. Getting told I’m beautiful by others. And yet… none of it mattered. I didn’t FEEL that way. The external things that most people see as valuable.. and that most people rely on to feed the self image wound… weren’t working. It was all a temporary high.. but at the end of the day.. I was on my bathroom floor.. hyperventilating.

There was still a part of me that thought my beautiful apartment would make me feel valuable. That the guys heads turning as I walked by in the gym would make me feel hot. And it did.. for a second. Until it didn’t. That feeling wasn’t sustainable because that feeling was deeply reliant on external things and the actions of other people. It was time to dive deep. It was time to get my sense of internal value, feelings of physical beauty, and overall desirable energy from within. Without having to rely on anyone or anything else. I went on a journey deeper into a self image healing both internally (seeing the value just me as a person brings to the world) and physically (connecting to and truly seeing my physical beauty) than ever before.

The internal self image was first. Falling in love and FULLY seeing the value I bring by me just being.. me. Not valuable because I do certain things for people or because I have certain labels. Valuable.. just because I’m me and I’m here. Then, came the physical self image. That took a minute. I’ve obviously healed this in layers. I used to have an eating disorder and fully set myself free and clear of that in 2016. But then the body dysmorphia stayed. It got more manageable but was still.. there. Then the face dysmorphia kicked in? That was a new one. I would heal it in bits but the physical dysmorphia would still.. pop up. Years later .. last month actually.. I finally cracked the code. I fully was able to physically see myself for how I actually look!

It felt like I was high on the spiritual plant medicines people take (I’ve never taken them but how people described them is how I felt) I saw my FULL beauty. In its full essence. It was.. magical. And that’s an understatement. I cried lots of tears (happy tears) thanking my soul for choosing all the physical attributes about how I look. I fell in complete and ultimate love. Because what’s the point of a beautiful external physical reality if you can’t enjoy it?

The Result?


UNDENIABLE like.. UNFUCKING DENIABLE connection and knowing of all of the value me just being me brings to all areas of my life. (Relationships, my brand, money, etc)

For the first time in my life EVER.. actually being able to FULLY connect and see my physical beauty for all that it is. (I had it so distorted and insane body dysmorphia for so long)

 The self comparison to other peoples value & physical beauty came to a complete end.

 A complete divine love for everything that I am and all that my soul chose about me for this life internally and externally 

SET THE FUCK FREE of constant dysmorphia taking over the thoughts I was thinking. 


Taking my business from 6 figures and still barely being able to hang on to money to multiple six figures and being able to spend and save.

A ghost writer who’s sold over 1 million copies in books reaching out to ME wanting to ghost write a book with me about what I teach. 

Multiple producers reaching out wanting to make a TV show about me and the work I do.

My boyfriend completely doing the inner healing work and showing up in our relationship as a divine and empowered masculine man 

People treating me with full respect and immediately see my value 

And so much more. 

Ready to feel Hot As Hell?

Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, AND physically? You’re personally invited to my brand new never before taught program “ THE GLOW FORMULA” This is the ONLY time this program will be live. I will be recording it on a good camera so the next launches of this will be fully pre-recorded. 

What you get:

  • Eight hour - hour & a half modules to completely heal and transform self image wounds.

  • Go from doubt, insecurity, and self comparison to seeing & knowing your innate full value, connection to all you’re capable of in all areas of life, and fall deeply in love with your physical beauty. 

  • Community group with like minded soul family (freaking priceless) 

  • LIVE modules where you can ask any Q’s you have as we go 

  • Energy shifting journal prompts ⁃ Reprogramming of your neural pathways 

  • Energetic healings and cord cuttings ⁃ Access to your own portal where you will get lifetime access to the program. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live! You’ll be able to get caught up in your student portal!

  • Keeping yourself young AF

  • How to reverse aging

  • Healing wrinkles

Energetic Boob Job Results




*& there are no push up bras in the after pictures*

Energetic boob jobs will take place at the END of the course.