Become the “it” Girl

Tap into your inner magnetism and start
effortlessly attracting 

A 1.5 hour live recording event.

Ready for your magenetic energy and inner “it” girl era?

The “it” girl doesn't chase.. She attracts and aligns. Effortlessly, easily, and authentically.

She is unapologetically herself and unapologetically honest.

No people pleasing with her.

She’s kind, but not nice. 

Meaning, she won’t compromise her own sense of self love or worth to please anyone or just to make someone else feel more comfortable.

She has that “I’ve arrived, come get me energy” without trying. 

It’s just something she radiates as she walks into a room. 

As she walks into a room all heads turn and people are naturally drawn to her, not because she is working hard to get the attention of others or because she’s in a super tight outfit showing a lot of her body, but because her energy is effortlessly magnetic and she knows it.

She is authentically connected to the value her energy brings and because of that others can’t help but see it and feel it too.

So maybe you’re thinking..

Who is this girl and how the f*ck do I become like her? 

The great news is.. you ARE her. She’s already within you. And she always has been.

Maybe she got suppressed inside of there because of wounded masculine or wounded feminine energy that was around you growing up by the people who raised you.

Maybe she has been silenced because of a societal belief of “women have to be overworking to get ahead.”

Maybe she has been told she’s “less than” because of the magazines and media you saw as a teenager telling you getting attention is all about “physical looks”

Whatever it is.. it doesn’t matter. Those things are bullshit lies.

Every single one of them.

It is your divine right to tap into your magnetic “it” girl within you.

And now all you get to do is allow her to come out.

And THAT’S what this live event is all about.

I will be your guide to taking you step by step on helping you remember and connect to your soul’s magnetic energy and giving you brain reprogramming and energetic shifting tools that you can do not only in the event but every day.

In this lifetime and many other lifetimes I have trained myself to tap into my authentic magnetic energy.

It has created a daily life that looks like getting parking spots easily, people happily wanting to help me, the universe always working in my favor, people loving to pay me, heads turning as soon as I walk into a room, baristas giving me free coffee for what seems to be no reason, and many other little daily moments like that.

It has also created an overall life where the first date with my now boyfriend involved him driving 3 hours to take me to dinner & country dancing from Dallas to Austin when I was there visiting friends and then 3 hours back to Dallas. He then continued to fly out to LA multiple times to see and visit me. 

It has created a business where I do not create social media ads or reach out to people and try to sell my things.. but instead people find me, reach out to me, and tell me things like “as soon as I saw your video I was instantly attracted to you and wanted to work with you.. I don’t even know why! I just felt it!”

..And so much more.

Tell me.. do any of these sound like you?

  • You feel overworked 

  • You feel like no matter how much you work you can never get ahead

  • You feel like you’re the one always chasing after things and men

  • You feel like you’re constantly in your action taking “go go go” masculine energy 

  • You keep attracting men who don’t take the lead and don’t pursue you

  • You feel jealous of the girl who seems to “get things handed to her”

  • You think feminine energy is “weak”

  • You feel like people ignore you or just don’t even notice you

  • You feel like things are extra hard and nothing seems to work out in your favor

  • Even if things do work out for you, you feel exhausted from all the work you had to do for it to.

If even just ONE of these relates to you.

This live event is for you.

What we’ll be doing:

  • reprogramming your brain 

  • Using neuroscience and energy work to clear your subconscious beliefs that are suppressing your inner “it” girl 

  • Explaining and understanding what magnetic energy is and what it isn’t 

  • The behavior of the “it” girl and how she responds and reacts 

  • Energetic shifting tools to attract not chase

  • Intuitively guided energetic healing meditation led by me. This will be an energy recovery. Taking back all your energy and releasing all other energy you took on from others blocking you from your magnitisim.

Allie Ninfo - brand new course 'become the 'it' girl'

This workshop could be hundreds of dollars..

however I’ve decided it’s only going to be $54.

Here’s how it works: 

The live event will be held over Zoom on Saturday, January 21st at 9am PT/12pm ET.

Upon signing up you will receive a confirmation email with the zoom link and another reminder email the day before the event. 

If you can’t make it live, no worries.. EVERYONE who signs up will be receiving lifetime access to the recording.

Allie Ninfo - close up image

See you there!

Allie xo