Intuition Mastery

6-week Container

Are you ready to create a deep connection with yourself, align with your personal power, and have unlimited access to guidance from your own personal intuition?

Does this sound like you?

  • You have been called an “old soul.”

  • You are tired of everyone else telling you how to think, be, or act.

  • You are feeling disconnected from yourself.

  • You are ready to trust yourself and your "gut" feelings.

  • You feel called to learn about your intuition. (We aren't always aware of how intuitively gifted we are, but for whatever reason, this sparks an interest in you.)

  • You have always been really sensitive and feel other people's emotions.

  • You have a bleeding heart. -- Seeing endless ways in which people or the world suffer is almost hard for you to even bear sometimes.

  • You are ready to learn how to protect your energy and finally be able to differentiate your thoughts, feelings, and emotions from the thoughts, feelings and emotions of other people.

  • You have deemed yourself as someone who is “socially awkward” or has “social anxiety”

  • You feel yourself knowing that there is more to you and to life than what you have been told.

  • You are ready to align with the growth and success in your life around your career, finances, relationships, and/or health.

  • You are ready to learn how to receive clear definite answers and gain clarity from your own inner guidance system and Source (God/The Universe/Light).

Not to be dramatic but.. honing in and taking control of my intuition quite literally changed my life.

I not only have been tapped into my intuition and predicting illness in family members starting at 5 years old.. but also I have spent over 7 years now honing in on my natural intuitive and psychic abilities and mastering them to be incredibly accurate to the point where I have intuitively channeled how to help clients heal things like disease, chronic illness, and emotional and mental traumas.

While also using my intuition to channel for others on what they can specifically do to manifest and create their desires into the physical reality. With client success like unwavering self worth and confidence, best selling books, from 1,000 to 9 Million and counting tik tok followers, manifesting 1 million dollars in a stock, dream jobs, dream homes, pregnancies, desired romantic relationships, and so much more.

By honing in on my intuition, I have been able to heal both physically and mentally, have had massive amounts of personal growth, created a multiple 6 figure business by letting my intuition guide me, have created health and fitness habit success, and my relationships I am aligned with are better than ever.

Think of your intuition as your own personal life coach that's with you literally 24/7. It has the ability to guide you.. always. You don't have to sit and be indecisive AF.. You no longer have to take other people's beliefs and opinions of what they think you should do and you can finally trust yourself and be your own authority in your own life. It gets you connected with the deepest parts of yourself.

You can tap into your intuition and get clear and definite answers, direction, and clarity on which choice is in your own personal highest-good. And most importantly it allows you to discover and remember who the f*ck you are at your core free and clear of the labels and roles that you have taken on in your life

When we don’t know who we are.. We easily let other people tell us. Being tapped in and connected to the deepest guidance system within yourself allows you to see yourself for all that you are and the credible qualities and attributes that you embody.

How does intuition do that?


What you get:

By the end of this 8 week course, you will be able to do full-blown intuitive reads for yourself and others.

  • You will gain the life benefits of tapping into your own personal intuition and honing in on it, which saves you time, expedites your success, gives instant access to clarity on decisions, helps you heal yourself, etc.

  • You will learn the questions to ask that will guarantee the most accuracy with your intuitive answers.

  • You will get weekly practice doing intuitive reads for others (We will break out into small groups during class on Zoom).

  • You will learn 8+ different forms on how to use your intuition, which guarantees accurate answers.

  • You will learn how to differentiate your intuition vs. your ego.

  • You will learn how to make intuitive-based decisions for what is in your own personal highest good -- anywhere from which food to eat all the way to major life-changing decisions.

  • You will learn how to protect and shield your own energy.

  • You will get weekly practice doing intuitive reads for yourself.

  • Each week you will receive "homework" to practice and do before class the following week.

  • Absolutely! We just haven't been taught how to tap into it. Whether you know that you are empathetic, sensitive, had "gut" feelings about people before that ended up being true, OR you are simply very intrigued by this course -- nothing is a coincidence. You are feeling called here for a reason. Your intuition is always guiding you, and if you're finding yourself reading this, it's time to fully tap into it.

  • ABSOLUTELY. This course is exactly for that -- to get you connected to your own personal guidance system. The end goal is to get you to rely on yourself for the best answers that are 100% personalized for you specifically. This is to teach you how to get definite direction and clarity on situations in your own life with literally anything -- anywhere from what's in your highest good / or what to eat that day / or what workouts will bring about the best results for you, all the way to clear answers on life-changing decisions.

  • Intuition is like your own personal life coach that is with you 24/7. Tapping into your intuition gives you clarity on anything from what you need to do to heal, career direction, financial decisions, relationship decisions, health decisions, and literally anything else you can think of. I've used my intuition for answers as basic as what nail polish color to get at the nail salon (so I know I will end up liking that color) to things like building my business and expediting my business growth. In 2 years, I've done what it typically takes people 5-10 years to do. The secret?. . . I used my intuition to connect me to all the things that WOULD work, while filtering out all the options that wouldn't work.

  • This is an 8-week course. There will be one weekly class that is between 1.5 -2 hours long.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We all have intuition, so no matter how much or how little you have experienced, you can absolutely always learn how to tap into it, hone in, and control it. You also have experienced it in some way, shape, or form in your life, whether that be through a "gut" feeling or feeling called to learn more. That is your intuition guiding you. ;)

  • Not at all! Honing in and gaining control over your intuition is for EVERYONE. Your intuition is here to guide you to living the most fulfilling life possible on your own personal, unique journey. It is here for clarity on what is in your own highest good on a daily basis.

  • When you start to practice readings on each other in class, you will be put into small breakout rooms within Zoom with 2-3 other people so it will not be in front of the whole class. I always set the intention that everyone I align with, either as a 1 : 1 client or in a group class, is trustworthy, kind, empathetic, and understanding of themselves and others. I have yet to align with anyone who would intentionally make someone else feel uncomfortable. Everyone who is drawn toward me and to this course is a healer in their own way, shape, or form, so no need to worry. I always create a judgement-free and safe space for everyone. What are you waiting for?


Connect to your intuition




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