The Get Unf*cked 5 day
FREE live major event

What if this next season of your life is less about becoming someone else and more about remembering who the f*ck you actually are and all that you are actually capable and worthy of?

If you made it here.. It’s NO COINCIDENCE.

Your soul is READY for you to get out of your own way and align with the feelings and life of your desires.

These 5 days I will show you the exact process that took me from being broke, anxious, self deprecating, confused, constantly sick, and in a constant trauma response to creating a multiple 6 figure business and counting, abundance, connected to my authenticity and purpose, embodying higher levels of self worth & confidence than ever before, free and clear of past trauma affecting me, connected to my powerful manifesting abilities, having a mastery of my intuition, and feeling worthy AF of all I desire.

This workshop is for…

- The person who knows there is a way to create a reality that they don’t want to escape from.

- The person who is truly ready to declare “f*ck logic” and bridge the physical world with the energetic world to learn how to create and access the feelings and life of their deepest desires.

- The person who is ready to “Get Unf*cked” from all limitations and access their deepest levels of worthiness and co creative manifestation power from within.

If you are ready to stop dimming yourself, feel incredible, and create the life you truly deep down desire and are worthy of..

If you are ready to stop dimming yourself, feel incredible, and create the life you truly deep down desire and are worthy of..

and get ready for some incredible new levels of;

self worth, healing, and alignment.

I will show you down to earth spiritual yet grounded and easy tips, energetic hacks, and intuitively channeled guidance & direction that will absolutely expand you into new levels of your greatest potential.

Why wait to start feeling good?

Start NOW and go into this next season feeling more free and clear of trauma, aligned, confident, abundant, peaceful, and purposeful as ever.

Join the Get Unf*cked 5 day FREE live event

If you’re ready to feel better than ever, tap into your intuition, bridge the energetic and physical realities, and experience new levels of self worth and your manifestation abilities.. You came to the right place.

By the end of this 5 day workshop, you will be taught the energetic hacks, tips, tools, and tricks to uplevel any and all areas of your life, feel worthy of what you desire, and get connected to your intuition that will align you with the life and feelings you’ve been deeply desiring.

Tell me…
Do any of these sound like you?

  • You are feeling frustrated about the lack of results in your life, while you feel like you are constantly working hard.

  • You feel stuck in a constant trauma response

  • You feel overwhelmed, anxious, and/or stressed often.

  • You are tired of reliving the same mundane day over and over again and are feeling unsure of the next steps in your life.

  • You believe that manifestation and healing work works, but you need step-by-step guidance on how to do it OR you don’t believe in manifestation, but you are over yourself and your shitty mood and ready to try anything to feel better :)

  • You are doing everything “right” but are still feeling stuck or you feel burnt out from working so hard but feel like you have nothing to show for it.

  • You may have felt like a victim in the past, but now you are ready to learn the tools on how to recognize your fullest potentials, worth, trust in yourself, and abundance.

  • You know there is so much joy, fulfillment, and abundance to be accessed in your life, but you just haven’t quite figured out how to tap into it yet.

  • Your current way of manifesting used to work.. But now you’re feeling blocked and aren’t sure why.

If that sounds familiar and you’re OVER IT… It’s time to take advantage of this free workshop and join me live to Get Unf*cked.

What we’re doing:

From May 10th to May 14th at 10am PT/1pm ET on my Instagram live (@ allieninfo)

Everyday from May 10th to May 14th I will be going live on my IG at 10am PT/1pm ET. To share the exact process that took me from being broke, anxious, self deprecating, constantly sick, and in a constant trauma response to creating a multiple 6 figure business and counting, connected to my intuition and purpose, extreme high levels of self worth & confidence, free and clear of past trauma affecting me, connected to my manifesting abilities, and a mastery of my intuition. You will discover limiting beliefs and self deprecating thoughts you didn’t even know you had and how they are keeping you from feeling good and creating what you truly desire. You will learn how unprocessed trauma can be massively affecting your ability to manifest and align with what you deeply want. You will learn the beginning stages of how to connect with your intuition and your own inner guidance system in order to guide yourself in any area of life. You will be guided to see how to begin reprogramming the neuro pathways in your brain and rewiring your subconscious mind to work for you instead of against you. All while bringing to light suppressed and unhealed trauma and beliefs that you will learn how to release and let go of.

By participating LIVE in all 5 days of the workshop you have a chance at winning…

1. A FULL scholarship to the Unf*ck Yourself Transformation 16 Week Program (valued at $2,645)

2. A HALF (50% off) scholarship to the Unf*ck Yourself Transformation 16 Week Program

CAN’T WAIT and want to get on the waitlist for the Unf*ck Yourself 16 Week Transformation Program?

FUN GIVEAWAYS you get to enter if you join LIVE all 5 days!

What people are saying who have worked with me:

Kayla Rose Stevens,

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Medium.

Dani Romain

Ali Applin,

25 Flight Attendant