Do you ever sense an invisible barrier hindering your path to success (whatever success feels and looks like to you), no matter how hard you work or how much you “try”? 

It's almost like you've always given your all.. yet discouragement persists along with feelings of.. emptiness and lack of value as a human.

Almost like you’re never “enough”

What if I told you that your perceived "shortcomings" are NOT your fault?

People who step into my world get results like this: 

(The best part is..I didn't even ask her to send me this! She just sent this to me completely authentically.)

These false beliefs that have been inherited from your childhood upbringing and influences, have held you back from what your souls fullest potentials are.

Some of these beliefs you may be so used to.. that you aren’t even aware that you can feel, think, and be differently and create a completely different outcome in your life by doing so!

But there's a way to break free… Join me in the FREE and LIVE “Get Unf*cked” workshop to unlock the hidden Scientific Energetic Spiritual Laws and Principles of the universe.

Whether we like our current reality/situation or not, we've played a big part in creating it.

Even if we're extremely self aware, ignorance of these laws and how to shift still drastically limits us. 

Now, we can access this knowledge and understand the universe in a new light better than ever before.

Once I grasped these universal laws, my life transformed.. and that’s an understatement.

I awakened to the knowledge that I have complete control over my body and everything going on in my physical reality depending on how I shape my thoughts and beliefs.

I want to offer you the same opportunity and experience to open a world of limitless possibilities. 

Let me share the secrets of how the universe truly operates so you can use it to your advantage.

IGNORING these laws WON’T exempt you from them… it'll just leave you powerless over your life's direction. 

I desire to help you reach higher levels of consciousness which will unlock remarkable manifestations and your soul's greatest potential.. in all areas of your life. Health, self image, career, relationships, financial, and so much more. 

Imagine a future where your desires align effortlessly with your reality. 

By merging Science and Spirituality, you can attain the life you've always known deep within you was possible.

Elevating your understanding of the universe allows you to hack it.. opening doors of your choosing.. like literally whatever you want!

Ultimately, this journey leads to a soul-aligned incredible life experience.

I use intuition, neuroscience, and the laws of the universe to unlock a whole new way of thinking, being, and living for you to get you unf*cking yourself and accessing your soul’s greatest potential of success in any and all areas of life of your choosing. 

But hey.. don’t take my word for it.. take the beautiful humans who have taken the Unf*ck Yourself Academy program words for it:

Some things I have healed implementing what I’ll be teaching:

  • Mental, physical, & sexual abuse

  • Eating disorder

  • Asthma

  • Incredibly low self image

  • People pleasing

  • Self deprectating thoughts

  • Constant self comparison

  • Never feeling good enough

  • Body dysmorphia

  • & more!

The result of healing those things COMPLETELY:

Emotionally & Energetically:

  • Set FREE and clear of of all of it. Not just learning how to “live with it” No. I’ve completely whipped it from my system.

  • An insanely high self image

  • INSANELY connected to my value and uniqueness

  • Ability to work through feeling “triggered” in a matter of minutes

  • Connected to my soul potential & in ultimate divine love with who I am.

  • Emotional mastery

  • I feel FUCKING PEACE mentally
    No more nagging or self deprecating thoughts

  • Free and clear of self comparison

  • (And so much more)


  • Creating a multiple 6 fig business in 2 years 

  • High multiple 6 fig in 3 years (and we’re just getting started)

  • Multiple tv producers wanting to make a show about the work I do

  • A ghost writer who’s sold over 1M copies of books reaching out to me to write a book with me about my work.

  • Aligning with a healthy and empowered masculine man in romantic relationship who treats me like a queen.

  • People on a daily basis automatically knowing my value

  • Aligning with physical things like dream apartments and car

  • (And so much more)