Welcome to Your Membership…

Designed to hone your skills with Level 1 Trainings, live weekly practice/Q+A, and community… you’ll learn to accurately use your intuition to become your own authority, intuitive + healer.

Gain immediate access to Advanced Intuition Level 1 recordings (by Allie) with weekly live practice (by Gianna, Team Allie’s Trained Intuitive)!

Watch the recordings of the most recent time Allie taught Level 1, then practice what you’ve learned every Wednesday at 3:30pm EST with Gianna with 30 min Live Q+A and 30 min practice in breakout rooms for her to help you, correct form, and hone your skills!

You’ll have Gianna IN YOUR BACK POCKET to ask questions to at any time in the community!

What People Are Saying…

Advanced Intuition Training Level 1

This course is usually a one-time investment of $2,100 with 6 live calls…

Now it’s turned into a monthly membership with a live call EVERY single week!!! 3 months of the membership gets you DOUBLE the live practice and Q+A, AND a community lead by my Trained Intuitive!
And we know you’ll want to stay longer than that 🤍


  • 6 week pre-recorded intensive program from Allie herself all on intuition! Watch the recordings of the most recent time Allie taught Level 1

  • Recorded Q+A for each of the 6 weeks

  • Signature energy healing + energy boost

  • Energy recovery: Step-by-step guided practice from Allie that clears all mental, physical + emotional energy that’s not yours, to clean clear + charge your energy

  • Each week you will learn new readings, tools, and techniques to do and use to create massive healing, unblocking, and transformation in any and all areas of life

  • Each week you will learn energy work to clear, protect, and shield your energy. Along with energy recoveries, cellular upgrades, and dark energy clearings

  • **You’ll keep access as long as your membership is active! Canceling removes access to Level 1

Meet Gianna!

Team Allie’s Community Experience Director + Expertly Trained Intuitive

🤍 Your guide 🤍

Gianna has been through Advanced Intuition Training Levels 1 - 4, F*ck Dark Forces, UYA, and more. She’s also personally trained directly from Allie as her mentee and apprentice! Gianna’s mission is to help people tap into their gifts, hone in their skills, and live a life of more abundance, clarity + empowerment!


You’ll personally get to connect with her in the live calls + community! She’ll be answering all of your questions and leading you each step of the way!

With this membership, you have access to one of Allie’s PERSONALLY trained intuitives IN YOUR BACK POCKET.

The community lead by Gianna gives you a platform to ask her any questions you have along the way… and she’s in there multiple times per week every week to ensure you have the clarity you need.

This is someone Allie has taken under her wing to train, with extremely high intuition skillsnow at your fingertips 🤍 This membership allows you to fully immerse not only in the trainings from Allie with Level 1, and not only in the weekly live calls for practice/ q+a… but into the Team Allie world DEEPLY.

You intuition is like a muscle…
We need to continuously practice in order to strengthen it.

And practice takes a community of besties going through the same thing, ready to be vulnerable + dive in together

What’s Included In Your Monthly Membership:

Gain immediate access to Advanced Intuition Level 1 recordings (by Allie) with weekly live practice (by Gianna, Team Allie’s Trained Intuitive)! Watch the recordings of the most recent time Allie taught Level 1, then practice what you’ve learned every Wednesday at 3:30pm EST with Gianna with 30 min Live Q+A and 30 min practice in breakout rooms for her to help you, correct form, and hone your skills! !

  • ADVANCED INTUITION TRAINING LEVEL 1: 6 weeks of pre-recorded trainings from Allie from the last time she ran Intuition Level 1! You’ll also see Q+A recordings as well as energy recoveries/ healings!

  • LIVE WEEKLY PRACTICE CALLS led by my Trained Intuitive, Gianna! You'll meet every Wednesday at 3:30pm EST on Zoom for 1 hour. You'll do 30 min of Q+A and 30 min of live practice in breakout rooms!

  • A COMMUNITY!! This is a group specifically for students wanting to deepen their intuition who have joined this membership. That's where you can introduce yourself, ask questions for Gianna to answer, and make besties! 

Imagine the absolute empowerment you’ll feel when you have the right live support + community

Think of intuition like basketball... anyone has intuition and anyone can dribble a basketball.

But then there’s NBA pro players. 

To become an NBA player and guarantee your technique and talent is ON every game - it takes training, repetition, the right skills & tools, trail & error, a good coach, and lots of practice.

To become a pro “intuition player” is the same. Training, skills, tools, repetition, and a good coach.

I have spent years and countless hours learning to use intuition to heal myself emotionally & physically. And that’s exactly what I’ve passed on to my team of Trained Intuitives!

And we want to bring you with us… because we’re not special.. anyone who chooses has the divine right to use their intuition. 

Gianna Tommasi

Jordan Stockwill

Kaisha Slaughter