Embark on a journey of soul-discovery and empowerment at..


Where you realize the power to heal and intuitively navigate your life resides within you.

APRIL 12-14 2024

Park City, Utah

Option to ski with Allie, her team & anyone who decides to join on the 15th!

What a previous Retreat Queen had to say 💅🏼

Revitalize is a 3-day immersive live and in person retreat designed to unlock your inner potential as your own intuitive and healer.

Immerse yourself in a healing experience that blends intuitive energetic healing and neuroscience practices guiding you towards soul-discovery and healing yourself on an emotional, mental, and physical level.

Have you ever been scrolling through Tik Tok and one video tells you if you want to lose weight do pilates then the next video tells you if you want to lose weight you have to weight lift… and then the next video tells you if you want to lose weight you have to do HIIT workouts….??!!!

Can you say holy.. overwhelming?

Or one video tells you eating meat is bad for you the next video tells you eating meat is good for you. 

One video tells you a skincare product that's incredible and the next video tells you that same skincare product made them breakout.

And you’re sitting there like…. “What the f*ck am I supposed to do?!”

And then you get so overwhelmed that you just say “f*ck it” and then get analysis paralysis and end up not making any decision and going back to questioning what will work for you.

I totally understand I feel the same way..

Or at least I used to.

It’s quite difficult to live a life guided by your intuition if no one around you is doing it and you were never taught how..!

If you’re tired of constantly feeling overwhelmed by what is going to work best for you to feel in your highest alignment physically, emotionally, and mentally then I have a tool for you.

& that’s where getting connected to your intuition comes in. 

& where the community aspect of an in person retreat comes in.

What if I told you that there’s a way to ask intuitive questions and learn intuitive tools that gets you channeling spot on incredibly accurate information for yourself down to a science? 

And what if I also told you there’s way more people than you think who desire to live their life guided by their intuition as well.

Look at my mentorship client Kayla for example.. she felt deeply there was something off in her body as she was incredibly sick for years. Doctor after doctor gaslit her and told her she was wrong. Until she learned how to tap into her intuition and take matters into her own hands. She used intuition to be guided on which modalities she specifically needed to completely heal (not just learn to ‘deal with’) all while using her intuition to heal the emotional root cause that manifested the physical ailments in the first place. 

Since she has gotten connected and learned how to use her intuition she has:

  • Completely HEALED chronic Lyme disease

  • Completely HEALED multiple chronic illnesses

  • Set herself free and clear of Depression

  • Left a toxic relationship

  • Moved to a new city into her own apartment

  • Left her corporate job and started her own business 

  • Created a podcast that’s already reached over 26 countries 

All within less than 2 years.

The power of following your own intuition and becoming your own authority in life will do more for you than listening to anyone else ever will. 

There’s no one size fits all way of doing anything. And when you can learn how to channel what you specifically need to achieve your specific goals.. It's game over.

Not only can you take your power back and take what would’ve taken decades and compound it into a few months.. You become.. UNTOUCHABLE.

Along with that.. The power of having a soul family community to live the intuitively guided life with is PRICELESS.

That’s why I created Revitalize 3 day in person immersion experience.

What would take decades or maybe even lifetimes to figure out and heal physically and/or emotionally for yourself you will gain the tools and knowledge on how to begin to take matters into your own hands within our 3 days together.

 Discover Your Inner Intuitive:

Through expert-led workshops and interactive sessions led by Allie, learn to tap into your innate intuitive abilities. Uncover the power within you to navigate through life's challenges with intuitive clarity and insight.

Healing Mastery Workshops: 

Learn Allie’s proven intuitive healing modalities tailored to empower you on your soul growth journey. From intuition practices to energetic healing techniques.. Revitalize offers a full immersion experience of becoming one with yourself on a deep level.

Connect with Like-Minded Souls: 

Join a community of individuals on a similar quest for becoming their own intuitive healer. Share experiences, insights, and support each other in a nurturing and judgment-free environment. Leave with lifelong friendships. (The last retreat group are now all besties and the group text is still going)

Peaceful Retreat Setting:

Immerse yourself in the mountains of Utah surrounded by snow and fresh air. A perfect atmosphere for unlocking new levels of soul potential.

Customized Guidance: 

Benefit from Allie’s full dedicated attention to the small retreat group. Where you can get her hands on assistance, intuitive knowledge, and ask her any questions that come up for you.

Empowerment Through Knowledge: 

Gain a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection, energy flow, and the principles of holistic healing. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to foster lasting well-being.

Optional community skiing / snowboarding after the Retreat ends:

(Ski cost NOT included in retreat package) 

Wrap up your transformative experience with a community skiing with Allie, her team, and anyone else who’d like to join!

Here’s what the Queens from our October 2023 Retreat have to say about the priceless community aspect that you can get with an in person retreat 

(which by the way most of them are returning for this Revitalize Utah retreat!)

Retreat Details:

Limited spaces are available for this exclusive retreat, so don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity. 

APPLY NOW and embark on a transformative journey at Revitalize.

(There’s limited spots available.. the first people to apply will have the best chances of claiming their spot.)

*Upon application approval your spot will NOT be reserved until you submit payment*

Important Info:

  • This retreat will be held 9am - 5pm daily with a 1.5 hour lunch break.

  • You will be responsible for your own place to stay at night.

  • You will be responsible for your own breakfast, lunch, & dinner.

  • We suggest booking your spot to stay as soon as you claim your spot in the retreat. 

  • Once sign ups are finished we will create an IG group with everyone if you’d like to find friends to room with.

  • We recommend flying in at least a day before the retreat and flying out at least day after the retreat to get the full experience.

  • 2 weeks before the retreat we will all meet over zoom to get to know each other :)

I wanted to break down the price for you because this is INSANE how much you’re getting.

The total is: $2,300 (with payment plans available)

 That’s like $767 a day. (A ONE HOUR private zoom session with me is $2,200.) 

(We’ll be together from 9am - 5pm daily) 

That's like $96 an hour. 

$96 an hour for the self realization of a lifetime. 

Not to mention the untapped intuitive potential you are about to tap into and uncover that will save you insane amounts of time, energy, and money in the future. 

And the lifelong friends you’ll immerse yourself in. That’s… priceless.. and the gift that keeps on giving.

The girls from last retreat have truly become besties and the group chat is STILL GOING 

Ready for the Revitalize The Retreat?!






+Interest charge of 5%



+Interest charge of 7%

All purchases are NON-REFUNDABLE